Rejected. Defeated. Worn out.
Those are feelings I'm sure many of us have had at one time or another. This world we live in makes sure of it. It's how I've been feeling lately. And, I just can't seem to shake it off - even right now this very minute.
Then, a few days ago I picked up a book from my shelf that I never got the chance to finish. Life of the Beloved by Henri J.M. Nouwen.
For those of you who might not know, Henri Nouwen was a Catholic priest and he wrote this book for his friend Fred Bratman, a secular journalist and Jew. His friend had asked him to write a book explaining the spiritual life avoiding theological jargon and technical language. Though simple in language, this book is powerful and deep in thought.
"The eyes of love have seen you as precious, as of infinite beauty, as of eternal value." In this messed up world we live in, it's extremely easy to lose sight of this simple, basic truth. And, that is what has happened to me. We all look to others for affirmation, acceptance and support. While there's nothing wrong with that, our identity/our belovedness/our chosenness is rooted and grounded in the Creator and always should be.
This thought of being beloved is difficult in a society and culture that seems to many times be corrupt as well as devalue the individual. We have to cut through the garbage and dig deep to find the truth. And, what is that ultimate truth?
You are a chosen child of God. You are precious in His sight--beloved as only He can love--and held safe in His embrace.
I am just beginning to mine all the treasures within this tiny volume, but already there is much to ponder, much to pray over, and much to discover.
During this beautiful Easter season, while watching the red buds bloom and the flowers stretch to meet the warmth of the sun, let's all rejoice in whose we are--His beloved.
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