Welcome to the newest part of my life—my blog. While I've been resisting the urge for some time to join the blogging fray, I finally succumbed to the pressure. Not peer pressure from writing friends as some might think. No, I guess you could say the pressure came from within. Just as that burning desire to write my first poem came in 7th grade, so has the urge to blog come forth some . . . years (we won't share how many) later.
As I sit here composing this first entry, I'm dripping wet after a dusk rush to the paddock to rescue my three horses from the rain. Another early summer downpour soaked me through and through and slicked back their coarse manes. Munching on their evening ration of grain, I left them safe and content in the barn while I trotted back to the house dodging lightening bolts.
Thinking I could get this entry done and finish formatting my rudimentary blog tonight, I picked up my laptop, only to remember that my satellite internet connection is useless in thunderstorms. Guess what? Satellite signals can't pinpoint my microscopic satellite dish atop my infinitesimal house through all the electrical storms and rain clouds. Gggrr . . .
So . . . now to explain the purpose of this blog. What you say? You have a purpose to this blogging madness. As a matter of fact, I do. For sometime now I've been fascinated by Socrates' famous saying: Wisdom begins in wonder. It has become my focus to seek wonder in every day events or sightings in nature because I have come to understand that only as we are amazed by life can we truly find the wisdom of God. For He is everything.
Much to my dismay this wonderful saying was already taken as a title in the blogging world, so I have chosen the next best thing—The Beginning of Wonder.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines "wonder" as:
"1 a : a cause of astonishment or admiration : marvel
2 : the quality of exciting amazed admiration
3 a : rapt attention or astonishment at something awesomely mysterious or new to one's experience"
I think that says it all: astonishment at something awesomely mysterious or new to one's experience. Imagine if we all approached each day expecting a miracle, expecting to be amazed by God's awesome power and love. Wow!
Join me as I post photos from my farm and words from my heart. Then let us discover together the wonders of God's creation.
Welcome to the blogging world. You will make a "wonder"ful addition! I look forward to reading more!
ReplyDeleteMarty......such a wonderful thing to do...I will add this to my favorites and look at it often....You were, and continue to be such a dear friend....I will look forward to reading about your life and what is going on. Don is planning to begin a blog when we begin our full time rv'ing......I say he should start it now.